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Online Student Application

Two easy steps to register
Students with disabilities at Florida State University can find a variety of services at FSU which are designed to coordinate academic accommodations, on-campus housing accommodations, enhance academic success, and ensure access to all phases of university life.
Personnel in the accessibility services department oversee and coordinate services to ensure accessibility to all students with documented disabilities on an individual basis. Academic and housing accommodations are determined based on documentation submitted by the student; these are monitored by accessibility specialists in the program. The office also provides some assistive technology equipment and services. All services through the main office are free of charge. In order for housing accommodations to be applicable, students are required to have a housing contract as well.
Application Instructions:
  • Apply and be accepted to Florida State University. Students with disabilities must go through the standard admissions procedure.
  • Complete the Florida State University Orientation program.
  • Fill out this online application for services from the accessibility services department, attaching documentation for the disability.
  • The application deadline for academic accommodations is 7 business days prior to the date needed. You may apply for services at any time during the semester, but the accessibility services department will require 7 days to process your application and schedule the intake meeting. Accommodations are not retroactive and will begin from the time the intake meeting has been completed and the accommodation letter has been submitted to your instructor. Faculty members also have 1 week to implement approved accommodations from the date the student meets with his/her faculty member regarding the approved accommodations. Applications received within the last 10 class days of the semester will be processed for the following semester in which you are enrolled.
  • Once the application and documentation are approved, the student will meet with a Accessibility Specialist at the accessibility services department for an intake interview, during which approved academic accommodations will be reviewed.

PLEASE NOTE: If you do not receive an email confirming your submission, then it is possible that your application was not processed by the system. Please fill out the application again.
Personal Information
  1. Note: Select when you would like to start your services.
  2. Note: Please select campus location where you will be enrolled.
  3. Note: Select when you plan to graduate.
  4. Hint: Enter 9 alpha numeric characters.
  5. Hint: Enter date in the following format Month/Day/Year (i.e. 12/31/2010).
Contact Information
  1. Hint: Enter 10-digit number only.
  2. Hint: Enter 10-digit number only.
  3. Hint: Please specify your FSU ( email address.
Local Address
  1. Hint: Enter zipcode as 97331 or 97331-0000.
Permanent Address
  1. Hint: Enter zipcode as 97331 or 97331-0000.
Additional Information
  1. Secondary Disability(ies)



    Autism Spectrum

    Deaf/Hard of Hearing

    General Category

    Intellectual Disability

    Learning Disability


    Mobility Impairment


    Speech/Language Disorders


    Visual Impairment

  2. Affiliations (Optional)
  3. Ethnicities (Optional)
  4. Campus Location(s)


    What types of accommodations do you require?
    Are you a new or returning Student? * (Selection is Required)
    Are you registered to vote? * (Selection is Required)
    Please select the type of documentation you have: * (Selection is Required)
    Which method of meeting with OAS representatives do you prefer? * (Selection is Required)
    Please confirm: I give permission to the accessbility services department to use their discretion in sharing information with FSU faculty and staff about my disability and the accommodations I receive. Such information will only be shared to facilitate access and support for me. The accessibility services department can only share information with entities outside of the University or for support * (Selection is Required)
Housing Accommodation Requests: The entire housing accommodation process must be completed BEFORE the priority deadline. This process includes a submission of your application, supporting documentation, and an intake meeting with an Accessibility Specialist. After these dates, applications are accepted, but FSU cannot guarantee your accommodation request can be met. Even with proper documentation, the accommodation request is subject to room availability. Additionally, you must have and maintain a valid housing contract with University Housing in order to receive your approved housing accommodations.

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