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Online Student Application

AACE Registration and Request for Services

****IMPORTANT****: When selecting your "Primary Disability" under section "Additional Information" below, this means a condition that has been previously diagnosed by a qualified care provider. If you think you may have a psychological condition for which you have never received an official diagnosis from a qualified care provider, you can request AACE to refer you to the Regents Center for Learning Disorders (RCLD). You do this by selecting "RCLD Referral" as your "Primary Disability" on the "Additional Information" section below.

The Access and Accommodations Center (AACE) is committed to providing equal access for students with disabilities at GSU.

You may request disability accommodations or Title IX pregnancy adjustments at GSU by doing the following:

1- Complete and submit the application below

2- Submit current disability documentation that meets the requirements of the University System of Georgia (USG) documentation guidelines.

Note: These guidelines are intended to guide the review of documentation by disability service providers and encourage consistency of disability service delivery across the USG. During documentation reviews, all eligibility and accommodation decisions will be made on a case-by-case basis and will be informed by an interactive process. Although considerable weight will be given to the information in various types of documentation, evidence of current substantial limitation should be indicated in the documentation so that appropriate accommodations can be provided. No single criterion in the specific documentation guidelines, in its presence or absence, will rule-in or rule-out eligibility. The document guidelines may be accessed here.
Examples of disability documentation are psychological evaluations, You may upload your documentation along with the registration form or via email following submission of your application. If you prefer, you may also choose to fax, mail, or hand deliver your documentation to our office. Our contact information is listed at the end of this message.

3- Attend an accommodation meeting with your assigned Access Coordinator

After you application and disability documentation are submitted, it will be reviewed by an Access Coordinator who will contact you to set up an information meeting to discuss your accommodations.

You can complete this application and submit your disability documentation at any time. However we encourage students to start this process as early as possible since it takes time to review the submitted documentation and complete an initial orientation meeting with an access coordinator before the accommodations are implemented.

Please, feel free to contact AACE to inquire about the status of your application at any time. All information provided to AACE is confidential.

Directions for completing the Registration form:

NOTE: When completing the application, the page may time out. To keep this from occurring, please submit your answers often. This will not submit multiple applications.

Please answer all questions as completely as possible. Most questions are required, so if a question does not apply to you, please either select “Not applicable” or write it in the space provided. If you require more room for written responses, the text boxes can be enlarged by hovering over the bottom right corner and resizing the box.

Each student’s request for accommodation is evaluated following an individualized approach, centered on their specific needs, a collaborative communication with their access coordinator, and the review of disability documentation provided by their care provider. There is no “one-size-fits-all” approach.

If you have questions about the registration process or disability documentation, please contact AACE. A staff member will be able to provide any additional information you need regarding this process.

If you have any questions while completing this application, would like more information about our services, or require this application in an alternative format, please contact AACE.

AACE Contact Information

Address: Student Center East, Suite 304 - 55 Gilmer Street, Atlanta, GA 30303
Phone Number: 404-413-1560
Fax Number: 404-413-1563
Email Address:
Personal Information
  1. Note: Select when you would like to start your services.
  2. Note: Please select campus location where you will be enrolled.
  3. Note: Select when you plan to graduate.
  4. Hint: Enter 9 alpha numeric characters.
  5. Hint: Enter date in the following format Month/Day/Year (i.e. 12/31/2010).
Contact Information
  1. Hint: Enter 10-digit number only.
  2. Hint: Enter 10-digit number only.
Local Address
  1. Hint: Enter zipcode as 97331 or 97331-0000.
Additional Information
  1. Secondary Disability(ies)


    Autism Spectrum Disorder

    Brain Injury

    Communication Disorders

    Deaf and Hard of Hearing

    General Category

    Learning Disabilities

    Mobility Impairment


    Pregnant (Title IX)

    Psychological Disabilities

    Systemic Disorders: Chronic Health

    Systemic Disorders: Muscular/Skeletal

    Systemic Disorders: Neurological


    Temporary Impairments

    Visual Disabilities

  2. Affiliation(s)
  3. Campus Location(s)


    Current GSU Status * (Selection is Required)
    Do you have side effects from a medication that impact you in the educational environment? If yes, please describe side effects below. * (Selection is Required)
    Please list any academic accommodations and/or services that you used in high school, if applicable: * (Selection is Required)
    Please list any colleges previously attended and any academic accommodations and/or services used there, if applicable: * (Selection is Required)
    Please list any accommodations that you used on any national standardized exams (SAT, ACT, GRE, LSAT, etc.), if applicable: * (Selection is Required)
    Please list any auxiliary aids, equipment, assistive technology, and/or other services you anticipate using while attending GSU: * (Selection is Required)
    Do you live on or off campus? * (Selection is Required)
    Do you need accommodations for any of the following? Please check all that apply:
    I understand that my request for accommodations cannot be approved until all documentation is submitted and approved by the Access and Accommodations Center. Detailed eligibility criteria can be found on our website at the link listed in the instructions. Please select your chosen method of submitting your documentation below: * (Selection is Required)
    By submitting this form, I certify that the information provided is correct. I understand that in order to be eligible for accommodations at Georgia State, I must complete the interactive process by (1) submitting this completed registration form; (2) submitting supporting documentation that meets Board of Regents guidelines; and (3) completing an interview with an AACE Access Coordinator. * (Selection is Required)

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